INT. SMOKING DEN Irving is wearing an easy jerkin, a large cloak, and a conical, broad brim felt hat. He seems uncomfortably comfortable, reclining in his fauteuil, a large armchair carved and gilted, with red velvet upholstery, and silver embroidery. IRVING BLUM After 10 days, or 2 weeks into the exhibition I called... Irving spits onto the mottled berber carpet, making a "#&%$" sound. ANDI SAID (the manhattan project) ... This character's long pause is AUDIBLE. IVING BLUM The Experience...of...Living with... The Work.. Irving is WHEEZING, breathless, he can barely finish his sentences. A phone is RINGING, glowing red and vibrating in the background. We hear the faint SOUND of a BABY BABBLING. IRVING BLUM Has powerful... A small bat flies through the window, it's wings FLAPPING. IRVING BLUM For reasons I can't even tell you A dark amber gloom fades in an OMINOUS SOUND. IRVING BLUM (squinting) I'm just (nightblindness) ...the paintings... A pig SQUEALS. IRVING BLUM in a way that... I couldn't imagine... Angelic TRUMPETS. AT THE BEGINNING IRVING BLUM but I can tell you that I think they're really powerful... INT. KITCHEN NOOK Irving is kneading dough, honey drips from his mouth. IRVING BLUM (totally paranoid) ...and I think they're terribly important... The venetian blinds are closed, nocturnal agents abound. IRVING BLUM ...and I'd like to keep the set in-tact (obscene hand gesturing) A whole pantry full. HE SAID Irving IRVING BLUM they were conceived as a group ANDHE SAID #&%$ ! IRVING BLUM I'd love it if you could do it ANDI SAID I can promise you this... A modem DIALS UP loudly. IRVING BLUM I can promise you I will never break them up I will keep them in-tact (obscene hand gesturing) and I can also promise you, I don't know how we're going to do this, but I can promise you that one day they'll go to a great museum I SAID (the curse of immortality) what will I have to pay you for the group ANDHE SAID a thousand dollars The SOUND of small hooves GALLOPING, Irving gets a text message. IRVING BLUM (distractedly) ...for the 32 paintings To text message or to not text message. 32 small lambs walk into the room sheepishly. IRVING BLUM And over a 10 month period I sent him a hundred dollars a month until I got to the end of it... EXT. A TROPICAL ISLAND 10 hundred dollar bills cascade down a small waterfall. Irving is walking on the beach wearing teva sandals with an all black train conductors uniform. IRVING BLUM Well I can tell you exactly what they're worth now... IRVING BLUM (...."thinking"...) I sold them six years ago for 15 million dollars in-tact (obscene hand gesturing) to the museum of modern art and they have them in-tact (obscene hand gesturing) just as I promised in addition to the thirty two paintings which are showed in california ANDY DID 4 or 5 IRVING BLUM One of them was auctioned off two nights ago at Kristeeyz, the single painting, for 2 million two hundred thousand dollars so when you consider I had 32 times two million plus the fact that they're intact has a value, my guess, and I don't think I exaggerate, would be a value of a hundred million dollars, The numbers begin to collaborate, accumulating until they prove a point, in addition to some of the other points that seem really important now but I totally spaced out on. IRVING BLUM In other words they're invaluable, they're irreplaceable and invaluable.